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Contact Us

Chris Thompson, Broker - Towne Creek Realty

Chris Thompson

Principal Broker
Phone (615) 627-8456
5-star reviews for Towne Creek Realty in Franklin, TN

"We absolutely loved our experience with Chris and Towne Creek Realty. He came highly recommended by our best friends and next door neighbors...

It was obvious from the very first appointment that Chris was extremely knowledgeable and a seasoned real estate professional. We really appreciated his honesty and how he helped us prioritize what repairs we needed to add to our to-do list. Once we were ready to list, Chris sent his amazing photographer to our house. I truly believe those pictures played a key role in selling our home. We started getting inquiries immediately and sold our house in just 24 hours! We were shocked to learn we had seven offers, most were OVER asking price. Chris stayed on the phone with us until 10 pm that night, talking us through the offers. He broke it down simply and created a chart for us to easily compare our options.”
Emily Jordan
5-star reviews for Towne Creek Realty in Franklin, TN

“We found Chris and Towne Creek Realty extremely caring and competent...

That’s important when you are 92 and 93 years old. Chris is a listener. It never seemed that he was in a hurry or too busy to hear what we were saying…and often, it was not about selling a house. He had genuine compassion for us.”
Maurice and Sue Griggs
5-star reviews for Towne Creek Realty in Franklin, TN

“Chris Thompson did an excellent job of working with the construction company...

He kept us informed along the process when building our new home. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Chris and Towne Creek Realty to my friends when considering a move.”
Dr. Heidi Ventura

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Areas We Serve

We serve those looking for a Realtor to help buy or sell your home or property in the following areas in Williamson County, Nashville, and the surrounding areas like:
Towne Creek Realty in Franklin, TN

Contact Us

We appreciate the opportunity to assist you as you buy or sell your home. It’s a responsibility and commitment we take seriously.


140 4th Ave. South
Franklin, TN 37064


(615) 656-1301

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm